Thursday, December 3, 2009

UB Student Survival Guide Online Book Club Begins 12/7/2009

Welcome to the UB Student Survival Guide's Book Club!  Since the semester is winding down and we will all have a little extra time on our hands (finally!) - why not read a book with your fellow classmates?! 

For our inaugural book, we have chosen Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones.

We have also included a children's book for our SLMS students (and all others who are also interested!) - December's book is Neil Gayman's The Graveyard Book.

You may begin posting questions and comments about either book immediately.  Links to book resources, websites, etc. are also welcome.

Each month we will chose a different book - so if there's a great book you would like to share with your fellow LIS classmates, please post it here!

Welcome to the UBSSG Book Club!!  Pull up a chair and read with us!
Aimee, Amanda, Dan & JD


  1. I'm really excited for this! I think "The Lovely Bones" is coming out as a movie soon, right?

  2. Yes! The movie release date is January 15th, 2010.

    The movie website is here:

  3. I'm so excited!

    I just need to read the book first.
